Amazon is celebrating its 20 years with Prime Day, which is going to be in 9 countries, beating Black Friday sales.
Latest Amazon news is regarding the 20 years of the U.S based e-commerce giant. Black Friday is considered to be the extravaganza for shopping in America which brings in a lot of money. Last November, it brought more than $1.5 billion of the revenue being generated from the online sales and has been considered as the single most essential day for the U.S retailers in this purpose. However, the U.S based giant is looking to steal this thunder by introducing Prime Day.
The announcement has been made by the e-commerce giant that there shall be the Prime program being introduced in order to mark the 20th anniversary of the company. This shopping program will be introduced in the nine countries and will have various deals for many subscribers in these countries. The countries include Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Austria, Italy, Japan, Germany and France.
Amazon news reports that the vice president for Amazon Prime, Greg Greeley, claimed in a press release that the one day event called the Prime Day shall be consisted of more deals as compared to Black Friday. However, it has not been specified by the company if that points out that there will be more deals offered by it on 15th July than the ones offered by it on Black Friday, if the value shall be worth more of the Prime Day deals, or if the company is hoping that Prime Day will trump the annual consumerism celebration.
The proposition where it can be said that the company is trying to trump the Black Friday sales by introducing Prime Day and that too in nine countries would not be outlandish since the company has huge influence on Cyber Monday and Black Friday which reduced prices on approximately 80 million products during that event and also the sales being extended towards Thanksgiving which has been putting more pressure on the competitors be it online or offline.
It isn’t only about the launch of Prime Day for Amazon merely for being in the celebratory mood, being happy for 20 years of success. It has been noted that Amazon Prime had been instrumental in turning the $214 million profit for the company in 4Q2014. This had been the massive and also the dramatic reversal being reported that it had experienced in the previous quarter, the third one. This was mainly because of the increased subscription charges for the Prime.
Initially there had been the discontent between the consumers but however the hike had been accepted at last. There have been various new services that the company has tacked on, Dash Button and also the quick delivery.
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