Monday, October 26, 2015

Facebook Search Feature Now Finds Public Posts

Facebook has enhanced its searching capacity that might bother some users, so it is better to look into privacy options.

In 2014, Facebook launched a tool that provided an opportunity for its users to search for individual’s posts, rather than only brands and people. At that time, friends could only be searched. Now, it encompasses all public posts, making this a brilliant time for the network’s privacy review. There are a large number of factors responsible for making the search extensive in nature.
The addition could prove to be harmful for users if their platform history includes incriminating photos and posts. Facebook News informed that 2,000,000,000,000 posts have now been included in the social network’s index. Privacy is a vital feature offered by the social media platform since the beginning and many people benefit from it by hiding their posts and images. This plays a similar role in this case as well.  
Facebook News today revealed that luckily, the company does not make its users determine privacy settings on each and every individual post as far as the viewers of a user’s future posts are concerned, Friends or Public. If a user is interested in getting his or her posts moving forward and covered by Facebook Search, he/she should select Public. If not, then he/she should opt for the Friends option. If a user is looking forward to ruling out from either, then he/she should tap on ‘More Options’ and choose ‘Only Me’.
Facebook Breaking News disclosed that users can also select particular friends and allow them to view posts, while restricting others. When a user is in ‘More Options’, he or she should go to Custom, where specific lists or friends could be permitted or banned from accessing every post.
Making an adjustment to these options noticeably is not everlasting, and users would be provided with the option on each individual’s post, whether he or she did like it or restrict for friends.
Users should be cautioned as the social media giant would autonomously turn a user’s latest privacy setting into their default moving forward. So if a user agrees to make a precise post public, he or she should go back to settings and opt in for the Friends Only option.  It could be assumed that the organization’s move would enhance its image in the highly advanced world.
People might not be able to hide or restrain others from mentioning anyone. They can share pictures and mention any user from their friend list. This might bother some people but this is not the issue for the social media company.

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