A tweet bullying the transgenders gets promoted on Twitter and causes stream of anger in the users.
Latest Twitter news that has been taking rounds since a long time and is not doing well in favor for the social network giant is regarding the sexist tweets being promoted. It had allowed a troll who could promote an abusive message which stated the transvestites should kill themselves.
The message had been written by a person who had been posing as Australian feminist Caitlin Roper who is a campaigner too. The person was posing under a fake account of the campaigner.
The tweet, as sexist as it could be, read “Trannies, getting surgery won’t change your gender. It will only turn you into a deformed freak. End your miserable existence. Kill yourself.”
It is shocking to read this tweet or see it on the social network that is famous for freedom of speech being taken into consideration but this was rude. The situation was worsen when the troll got allowed to promote the tweet by using the paid for ad services by Twitter.
Usually the way it works like is, the social network gets paid by the business a small amount which is usually of £2.50 per engagement and along with that, their message gets shared on the timelines of particular users. It is usually called ‘promoting a tweet’. However, in this case an abusive and sexist tweet got sent out and promoted which was not supposed to be promoted or exist for that matter. Therefore, unsurprisingly, there was a stream of anger and criticism that was experienced by the users on social media. After the tweet was reported by numerous users, the social network eventually removed the tweet and also suspended the account of the user via which such tweet got into limelight.
Twitter news reports that this is still not known to anyone, as to how such tweet got promoted in the first place. The social network was reached out by TWW (Telegraph Wonder Women) for an explanation towards such incident. The statement that was received is, "Twitter does not allow the promotion of hate content, including hate speech against a group based on sexual orientation or gender identity. As soon as we were made aware we removed the ad and suspended the account."
The incident has been disturbing in the context as to how CEO had been expressing his worries regarding the bullies and catering such issues on the platform, he had been on the mission of eliminating bullying and it was on the first priority for him. He had admitted that the social network was not up to the mark as far as security and scamming had been concerned.
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